Eglinton Flats

Location: Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue.

  • woodland
  • wetland
  • meadow

Comments: Eglinton Flats is a scenic greenspace of wide open parkland divided into four areas by Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue. It has paved trails, a large pond (Topham Pond, 2.1 acres), picnic benches, sports fields and twelve tennis courts. An Evergreen restoration site. Jacek Pawlikowski monitors birds, David Watkins the turtles. Beaver present. March 8, 2004 Reconnaisance of one quadrant (Topham Pond). Pussy willow in flower. Redwings, Canada geese. Woodland on slopes looks like mostly manitoba maple and crack willow, locust. Evergreen planting site fairly recent. Evergreen has been involved in shrub and tree plantings in the south-east quadrant of Eglinton Flats park; entrance is located on the south side of Eglinton just east of Jane.
